Busy Busy Little Me

Hey guys,

Sorry about the lack of posting recently-Been pretty busy with uni stuff. Things will get lighter next week so expect more posts then.

Who knew university life could be so tough! And I’m only in my first semester, first year so loads more ‘fun’ coming up hehe… Working on getting more reviews up here for you guys-I have a huge TBR pile and it torments and tempts me daily.

Some of the books to be reviewed in the near future:

Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran

A Kiss At Midnight by Eloisa James

Last Night’s Scandal by Loretta Chase

Surrender to a Rogue by Cara Elliott

Too Wicked to Kiss by Erica Ridley

I’ll admit I haven’t been entirely studying hehe-Found some interesting posts on the net that you may want to look at-


Funny interview about Miranda Neville’s new novel and signed giveaways!


Courtney Milan understands her readers sometimes get embarrassed by romance novel covers so she created these two fake, totally BORING covers to help fix that problem, Go check them, they’re a real laugh!
