A Love to Conquer All-Legend of the Seeker

A couple of years ago, while one day searching through the icons on the wonderful website known as ‘Period Drama Graphics’ in a search for a new icon for my Skype profile, I came across intriguing icons for a program called ‘Legend of the Seeker.’

The pictures featured a beautiful dark-haired woman in a flowing white dress and an equally good-looking young man that seemed to be dressed in breeches and boots. Naturally, my love of period dramas alerted me to this and I was immediately intrigued. The two had great chemistry and being a natural romantic, I had to research the show immediately to find out what it was and who these two people were.

I ended up finding out it was a fantasy adventure TV program about a young man who is chosen by prophecy to be the next ‘seeker of truth,’ and whose destiny it is to defeat the tyrant of the tyrant known as Darken Rahl. He travels with young woman (who of course becomes his love interest) and a wizard who turns out to be his grandfather.  Sounded like a great show full of magic, romance, adventure and mystery. Exactly the kind of thing I like.

I got a hold of the first episode and contrary to what people will think, I did not like it. It seemed predictable and all too cheesy. The only good thing in the episode was our hero, Richard Cyper’s amazingly sculpted abs. The rest of the episode just seemed to drag on as Richard refused to accept his destiny for two long hours until he finally did at the end. The action scenes also involved alot of slow motion scenes which I slightly cringed at to tell you the truth. After being disappointed by the episode I debated as to whether or not I should continue.

Thankfully, I had the good sense to, though I did not particularly like the next two episodes either. The episodes (which are like mini-quests the characters face on the way to their main goal) were predictable and childish. It wasn’t until the 6th episode that I became truly hooked.

Up until that point, there had been very obvious hints about the lead couple’s feelings for each other though I had been un-impressed with the show so far, I enjoyed as they had the best chemistry I had even seen in TV couples. But episode 6 revealed an interesting twist. The two were doomed to never be together and so their love became forbidden. Kahlan, Richard’s love interest had the power of confession which meant that she could touch anyone and make them become her slave. This skill served her well during the mini-quests, but then turned out to be the huge barrier between Richard and her getting together. For Kahlan had to hold in a her power which was always present, so if she wasn’t careful and she allowed herself to lose control, she would end up confessing Richard which would ruin the quest.

Now everybody loves a story of forbidden love and I was no exception. I began to devotedly watch the show as I was dying to find out how the two could ever be together. They couldn’t even kiss without it being a hazard! Even touching was a potential danger. And they had undeniable chemistry which made for a potent mix.

Being a fantasy show, there was no definite time period although the costumes and the lack of advanced weaponry seemed to place it in about the middle ages.

I loved their story and luckily for me as the show went on, it kept getting better and better. By season two, I had become addicted to the show completely and longed for a new episode every week. Richard and Kahlan developed so much as a couple that I desperately longed for them to be together. They themselves soon understood that they could not be together in a traditional sense (and have children) but nevertheless they showed undying devotion to each other, and stuck with each other through everything. Now that’s worthy of a post on my romance site don’t you think? 😉

I also loved their story as it was so unique from other shows which seemed to focus a lot on the physical side of a relationship. Having a couple who were deprived of that and yet are still willing to stay together and be faithful to each other was… well, special. Their love went beyond flesh and seemed undying.

That’s why I decided to take the time to devote a post to what would have to be one of the best on screen couples in a long time, if ever. Here’s to you, Richard and Kahlan, and may you finally get what you long for–because no one deserves it more than you two. 🙂

Legend of the Seeker has two seasons and is currently in danger of not having a new season which is more the fault of the lack of advertisement, rather than the quality of the show. To join in the cause, go to the following website. Let’s not let the adventure end yet!




Bits O’ Silk-Spotlight on Delilah Marvelle

I recently read a post about authors who are ‘below the radar’ meaning those authors that aren’t as well known in the romance world or are under-rated. This really struck a chord as there are some authors out there who deserve more recognition than they get. One author who is very wrongly under the radar is Delilah Marvelle.

Delilah Marvelle is an author who debuted her first book, Mistress of Pleasure in October 2008 as part of her School of Gallantry series.

I personally adored her novel and found it fresh, hilarious, witty and very sexy 😉

Her second book, Lord of Pleasure was just as good, if not better.  It is such a pity then that her series had to end there.

Her publisher had decided not to publish the remaining books in her series. I say this is due to a poor lack of advertising on the part of the company as I only heard of her book when I came across it randomly. I’m glad I did. Delilah’s books are among the best romances I have ever read!

Thankfully, she now has a new publisher (who recognizes her talent) and a new series that will be released next year! Even better, it’s a back to back release meaning we will get to enjoy one book each month, three months in a row!

The books in order and release date are:

Prelude to a Scandal (Jan 2011)
Once Upon a Scandal (Feb 2011)
The Perfect Scandal (March 2011)

So far the only bit of information on them is that it is a series connected by a book known as the How To Avoid A Scandal, written by an Unknown author.

You can sign up for Delilah’s newsletter to learn more.


Delilah also has a great historical blog that focuses on the naughty aspect of history also known as A Bit O’ Muslin (which is the Regency slang for a prostitute), the blog is entertaining and definitely contains a side of history you’ll never learn in a classroom! Posts include topics on dildoes, condoms, and even the secret dirtiness in Shakespeare’s plays! Posts are published on the 1st of every month. If you want an education you won’t forget, click on the link below to get started 🙂


Meanwhile, get a chance to check out Delilah’s first two books as I promise you won’t regret purchasing them. In contrast with her blog title, her books are real bits of  ‘Silk’ that deserve a place on every romance reader’s shelf.

I’m betting once her new series comes out, Delilah Marvelle will be a name every romance reader will have heard of.

So read her first two books and keep an eye out for her new series-cause it’ll be worth it. 😀

OMG, Where will I put all these books?

My book pile is huge.

No joke. I have piles of books stacked up in my case and it just keeps getting fuller.

Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so obsessed with reading. For one thing I would have more money to spend and for another I would have more place to put my things instead of having stuff piled on the floor for lack of shelf space.

Worse thing is, alot of the books I haven’t even read! I just keep buying them-at least one every week and other times three at once.

It’s the curse of the romance reader.

I’m sure you all share the same feeling. Buying endless books after another and then finding more to buy; I have to say, the people in the romance industry must make a lot of money off all the books they sell. Not to sound bitter or anything.

It’s those darn covers! With their tempting pictures of sexy men in breeches or classy looking women wearing gorgeous gowns or even some sexy clinch. I’m often tempted to buy a book cause of the cover alone! Darn those marketing people-They’re evil! (No I’m kidding I love your covers)

My TBR pile has got 11 books on it. Eleven. And some of them have been there since last year-as I keep buying more to read. Sometime in the future, I will show you all my massive romance collection.

I always feel obliged to buy books sometimes simply cause it’s part of a series and sometimes it’s cause it’s an author I love. Other times it’s buying new books cause of rave reviews or fresh premises. Which of course ends up being put on my to-buy list and then meaning more books to fill up my already tight bookcase.

Just recently, I committed myself to Kathryn Caskie’s 7 book Sin series as well as this year’s Sara Lindsey’s Weston family 7-book series. Once I start a series, I feel obliged to end one which now means about 12 more books to my book shelf. Sigh***

And let’s not mention my huge to buy author list which includes Mary Balogh, Anna Campbell, Tessa Dare, Celeste Bradley, Courtney Milan, Miranda Neville. And that’s only the top ones.

I’ve checked my calendar and apparently there are 5 books coming out next week on May 25th which I plan to buy. And I still have eleven I haven’t touched!

With so many books to buy, where will I end up putting them all? I’m thinking I should have a library when I get my home to keep all these books cause I can’t bear to throw any of them out. But now? Maybe clearing my wardrobe would be a good idea?

What about you guys? Do you have similar problems? And if so, how do you deal with it? I’ll love to hear from you-We can wallow in our cluttered bedrooms 😀